Terms & Conditions


SENMA is a revision platform for students and any other party who finds the platform useful.SENMA is an ad sponsored platform.The premium package is available for those who prefer privacy in solitary state with no interferance.SENMA, operates the website and other services that we provide with the goal of helping students to revise at their convenient time and space. We wish students to have a smooth and marry study to help them with their exams.The provision of the Service to you,for use constitutes an agreement by you and SENMA to be bound by the terms and conditions in these Terms of Service.

We grant the use of our materials and materials of third parties for only personal use and not for commercial purposes.

The Service is designed for all. No age limit or restrictions.

Third-Party Websites and Links Access

The content of the Website include banners, buttons or links which redirect the User to other third-party websites. The Company does not support these websites and they are available at the Website only for ad purposes, thus it recommends to make purchases from them at your own peril. Still, it stays completely for the choice of the User.

Content & Updates

We only bear responsibility for the reliability and correctness of any data published at the Website only to the extent of their accuracy. However, we cannot guarantee that the information published will always be accurate or reliable, as we will update the website content whenever we deem it necessary to make it as authentic as possible. Please note that we do not take any responsibility for the nature of the information and content on the website.

We make every effort to ensure the relevance and usefulness of our website at all times. Therefore, we reserve the right to remove or change parts of the website as we deem suitable at any time without notice. If the user agrees to our terms of use, we will not be liable to the user if any part of the site is completely changed or removed inconveniently.


Please read this entire disclaimer before using this website. Using this website indicates your acceptance of the terms of this disclaimer. We will update this disclaimer from time to time, so please refer to it in the future.

You are permitted to use our website for your own purposes and to print and download material from this Website provided that you do not use them for commercial purposes. We won't be liable for any material on this website that is republished online or offline without our permission.

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material on this Website are owned by us(excluding past papers and any other third-party materials) and must not be reproduced without our prior consent.

Exclusion of Liability

The content is provided for informational purposes only and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the material on this website. The information is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the website are responsible for evaluating the relevance and accuracy of its content. Neither we nor any other party shall be liable for any loss or damage of any kind that you or any third party may suffer as a result of your use of our website.
We are not responsible for any information or services posted on linked websites..

Privacy Policy

Whether you are new to the site or a favorite user, your privacy is the highest on our list of priorities.Please take the time to learn more about our practices. Our Privacy Policy describes the personal information we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, who we share it with, and the choices we offer you, including how you can access, change, or delete it.

Data we collect

The data you enter yourself and the data from the third-party platforms you participate with on the Website are collected directly from you. Some information is collected automatically. For example, information about your device or the part of the website where you interact or spend most time.

Sharing data

Depending on how you use our website, we collect various data from you or that is related to you. We directly collect the information you provide when you create an account and use our website. This data is protected by us and also is linked to your account.

Account Data: To use certain features, you need to create a user account i.e to access your purchases on the Website. We collect and store information you provide, such as your email address and password, when you create or modify your account.

Profile Data: You can also provide more data such as gender,D.O.B etc.Some data will be public such as gender while others such as D.O.B shall be private.

Shared Content: In the add comment section ,you can share your opinion,complain or even ask for assistance..This shall be made public on the website.