Excel for Data Analytics
keyboard shortcuts in Excel :
Keyboard shortcuts are indispensable tools for Excel users, helping you work faster, smarter, and with greater precision. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, mastering Excel keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your productivity. In this guide, we'll delve into essential Excel shortcuts to empower you with valuable skills for navigating and manipulating spreadsheets effectively.
Navigation Shortcuts:
- Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Quickly navigate to the edge of data regions in any direction.
- Ctrl + Home/End: Move to the beginning or end of a worksheet.
- Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down: Switch between worksheet tabs.
- Ctrl + G (Go To): Jump to specific cells or named ranges.
Enhancing Data Analytics: Efficient navigation shortcuts help data analysts swiftly move through extensive spreadsheets. This is crucial when working with large datasets, allowing analysts to locate and review specific data points more quickly.
Selection Shortcuts:
- Shift + Arrow Keys: Select cells in a particular direction.
- Ctrl + Spacebar: Select the entire column of the active cell.
- Shift + Spacebar: Select the entire row of the active cell.
- Ctrl + A: Select the entire worksheet.
Enhancing Data Analytics: Selection shortcuts simplify the process of isolating and analyzing data subsets. Analysts can quickly highlight relevant data for further analysis or visualization, saving time and enhancing accuracy.
Editing Shortcuts:
- Ctrl + C/X/V: Copy, cut, and paste cells, respectively.
- Ctrl + Z/Y: Undo and redo actions.
- F2: Edit the active cell's content in the formula bar.
- Ctrl + D/R: Fill down or right using the content from the selected cell.
Enhancing Data Analytics: Editing shortcuts expedite data cleaning and transformation tasks. Analysts can easily duplicate and manipulate data, correct errors, and apply consistent formatting, all essential for data preparation in analytics.
Formatting Shortcuts:
- Ctrl + 1: Open the Format Cells dialog box for formatting.
- Ctrl + B/I/U: Apply bold, italic, or underline formatting.
- Ctrl + 5: Apply or remove strikethrough.
- Alt + Enter: Add a line break within a cell.
Enhancing Data Analytics: Proper formatting enhances data readability and presentation, which is crucial when creating reports and visualizations. Consistent formatting ensures that data analysis results are more accessible to stakeholders.
Formula and Function Shortcuts:
- F4: Toggle between absolute and relative cell references.
- Alt + =: Insert the SUM function for a selected range.
- Ctrl + ;: Insert the current date.
- Ctrl + Shift + ;: Insert the current time.
Enhancing Data Analytics: Formula and function shortcuts expedite calculations and analysis. Data analysts can quickly apply common functions like SUM and navigate complex formulas for data modeling and analysis.
Data Manipulation Shortcuts:
- Ctrl + H: Open the Find and Replace dialog for searching and replacing data.
- Ctrl + - (Minus): Delete selected rows or columns.
- Ctrl + '+ (Plus): Insert new rows or columns.
- Ctrl + Shift + $: Apply currency format to selected cells.
- Ctrl + Shift + %: Apply percentage format to selected cells.
- Ctrl + K: Insert a hyperlink in the active cell.
Enhancing Data Analytics: Data manipulation shortcuts simplify data cleaning and transformation tasks, which are critical steps in data analytics. These shortcuts can help analysts prepare data for more effective analysis.
Other Productivity Tips:
Navigation and Selection Tips: Efficiently navigate and select data using a combination of shortcuts.
Formula Editing Techniques: Navigate and edit formulas with precision.
Data Analysis Shortcuts: Create pivot tables and data tables for in-depth data analysis.
Working with Sheets and Windows: Manage multiple worksheets and workbooks with ease.
Excel Options and Customization: Tailor Excel's interface to your specific data analytics workflow.
Mastering Macros: Automate repetitive data analysis tasks with macros.
Stay Updated: Keep up with Excel updates to leverage new features for data analytics.
Practice, Practice, Practice: Repeated use of shortcuts and features will make you a more proficient data analyst.
By mastering these Excel keyboard shortcuts and productivity tips, data analysts can streamline their workflow, save time, and enhance the accuracy and efficiency of their data analytics tasks.
Business Data Analytics
Table of contents
Introduction to Excel
- Microsoft excel key features
- Spreadsheet Interface
- Excel Formulas and Functions
- Data Analysis Tools
- keyboard shortcuts in Excel
- Conducting data analysis using data tables, pivot tables and other common functions
- Improving Financial Models with Advanced Formulas and Functions
Introduction to data analytics
Core application of data analytics
- Financial Accounting And Reporting
- Statement of Profit or Loss
- Statement of Financial Position
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Common Size Financial Statement
- Cross-Sectional Analysis
- Trend Analysis
- Analyse financial statements using ratios
- Graphs and Chats
- Prepare forecast financial statements under specified assumptions
- Carry out sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis on the forecast financial statements
- Data visualization and dash boards for reporting
- Financial Management
- Time value of money analysis for different types of cash flows
- Loan amortization schedules
- Project evaluation techniques using net present value - (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR)
- Carry out sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis in project evaluation
- Data visualisation and dashboards in financial management projects
Application of data analytics in specialised areas
- Management accounting
- Estimate cost of products (goods and services) using high-low and regression analysis method
- Estimate price, revenue and profit margins
- Carry out break-even analysis
- Budget preparation and analysis (including variances)
- Carry out sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis and prepare flexible budgets
- Auditing
- Analysis of trends in key financial statements components
- Carry out 3-way order matching
- Fraud detection
- Test controls (specifically segregation of duties) by identifying combinations of users involved in processing transactions
- Carry out audit sampling from large data set
- Model review and validation issues
- Taxation and public financial management
- Compute tax payable for individuals and companies
- Prepare wear and tear deduction schedules
- Analyse public sector financial statements using analytical tools
- Budget preparation and analysis (including variances)
- Analysis of both public debt and revenue in both county and national government
- Data visualisation and reporting in the public sector
Emerging issues in data analytics