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Leadership & Management December 2022
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Leadership & Management
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Fatuma Apio has such a strong leadership presence that it would be difficult to talk about Bora Association of Manufacturers (BAM) without mentioning her name. For close to a decade now, press conferences, newspaper commentaries, trade and investment talks associated with BAM always had a permanent fixture that was its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Fatuma Apio.

As she exits BAM due to end of her term of service, her charisma as a superstar CEO may become a difficult feat for the incoming CEO, Musa Mapito, to emulate. Fatuma Apio is well known in the manufacturing industry due to her signature look.

She dresses in Ankara coats, which are quite uncommon in this part of the world. Fatuma rose through the ranks having joined BAM as the head of policy, research and advocacy in the year 2005.

She took over the leadership mantle of BAM in the year 2012 after the Board of BAM pushed out its then CEO, Bakari Mapelu due to lackluster performance.

BAM had always been a high performing organisation and the Board felt that Bakari Mapelu lacked the right skill set, decision style and values to steer BAM forward.

In Fatuma Apio, the Board saw a leader with the “right package” of skills, values and abilities and a person who could build a strong leadership team in the organisation.

To them, Fatuma Apio was an idealist who had an unquenchable thirst for learning and growing. They knew that she would influence the other leaders and employees of BAM to follow suit. This would then result in a healthy organisational culture necessary for the success of BAM.

Fatuma Apio believed in and implemented Elton Mayo’s Human Relations Movement Theory at BAM. Without a doubt, Fatuma was a transformational leader.

Fatuma Apio’s farewell party was quite emotional since members of staff felt like one big united family, and her separation with BAM was unimaginable. Fatuma had a knack for recruiting the right staff and developing them to their highest potential. She had what it took when it came to staffing. No wonder BAM became so successful during her tenure to the envy of many organisations. She ensured that BAM had a progressive staffing policy. The policy encouraged employees to have a work life balance. In her final speech, she narrated her experience as a newly appointed CEO where most of her time was spent at the workplace. “I used to work late into the night and during weekends at the expense of my young family. This can be challenging to many of us and requires a lot of discipline and a solid support system. Luckily, I had great support from my husband. I highly discourage such a work ethic. You should always create time for your families. I know of situations where, such a work ethic has led to conflicts at the family level and the repercussions experienced at the workplace,” she told the employees.

As one of the few women CEOs, and just in her 40s, her advice to young women aspiring to be top executives is simply to acquire knowledge and competence, saying it is the best investment one can make. “Knowledge will aid you in making great strides in all the areas you are passionate about. Most importantly, self-discipline and responsibility shall steer you to the right path,” she says. What she likes most about the industry now is that more women are taking up leadership positions than ever before. “Unfortunately, the game is already rigged, particularly on what is expected of women in leadership and their ability to hold such positions,” she added.

Fatuma encouraged women employees of BAM not to be bound defined spaces. They should shine in their talent and skills to make a difference. “This concept continues to be demonstrated everyday as more women take up C-suite roles, more so in traditionally, male-dominated sectors, such as manufacturing,” she said. Fatuma added that, “BAM started the Women in Manufacturing Programme to provide a space for women to venture into the manufacturing space. We aspire to see more women participate in the sector in senior leadership roles, as owners and founders, and for young girls to see themselves as future industrialists”.

According to her, there were times when the issues she wanted to change took too long to materialise, but she remained steadfast. This taught her to be patient and resilient. “I have learnt that challenges fuel you to become more innovative,” she concluded.


Fatuma Apio believed in and implemented Elton Mayo’s, Human Relations Movement theory at BAM.

With reference to the above statement, describe FIVE actions that Fatuma Apio may have taken, to implement the theory in her organisation.



Elton Mayo's Human Relations Movement theory

➦ Elton Mayo's Human Relations Movement theory is a management theory that emphasizes the importance of social factors in the workplace and highlights the impact of interpersonal relationships on employee motivation and productivity. The theory was developed based on the Hawthorne studies conducted at the Western Electric Hawthorne Works in Chicago during the 1920s and 1930s.

To implement Elton Mayo's Human Relations Movement theory at BAM, Fatuma Apio may have taken the following actions:

➧ Emphasizing teamwork and collaboration: Fatuma Apio would encourage employees to work together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. She would create opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration and communication, promoting a supportive work environment.

➧ Establishing open lines of communication: Fatuma Apio would ensure that there were channels for employees to express their opinions, concerns, and ideas. She might have implemented regular team meetings, suggestion boxes, or an open-door policy to encourage dialogue and feedback.

➧ Providing employee recognition and appreciation: Fatuma Apio would recognize and reward employees for their contributions and achievements. She might have implemented employee recognition programs, performance bonuses, or public acknowledgments to boost morale and motivation.

➧ Promoting a healthy work-life balance: Fatuma Apio would prioritize the well-being of employees and encourage them to maintain a healthy work-life balance. She might have implemented flexible work schedules, wellness programs, or policies that supported employees' personal and family needs.

➧ Investing in employee development: Fatuma Apio would prioritize training and development opportunities for employees. She might have implemented workshops, seminars, or mentorship programs to enhance their skills and career growth, thereby fostering a culture of continuous learning.


Q (b) Bernard M. Bass developed the transformational leadership theory in 1985 as a way to describe the psychological mechanisms that are used leaders. With reference to the above statement:

(i) Explain personal traits that Fatuma Apio possesses that enable her to be regarded as a successful transformational leader.
(ii) Examine elements that make up a transformational leader, which came to be known as the 4 Is.


(i) Personal traits that enable Fatuma Apio to be regarded as a successful transformational leader are:

➧ Charisma: Fatuma Apio possesses a strong presence and charm that inspires and motivates others. Her charisma enables her to effectively communicate her vision and gain the trust and respect of her employees.

➧ Visionary outlook: Fatuma Apio has a clear and compelling vision for the future of BAM. She is able to articulate this vision to her team, aligning their efforts towards common goals and fostering a sense of purpose and direction.

➧ Inspirational motivation: Fatuma Apio is skilled at inspiring and motivating her employees. She sets high standards and encourages her team members to surpass their own expectations. She leads by example and instills a sense of pride and enthusiasm in her team.

➧ Intellectual stimulation: Fatuma Apio promotes creativity, innovation, and critical thinking among her employees. She challenges them to think outside the box, encourages new ideas, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

➧ Individualized consideration: Fatuma Apio demonstrates genuine concern for the well-being and development of her employees. She takes the time to understand their individual needs, strengths, and aspirations, providing personalized support and guidance to help them reach their full potential.

➧ Emotional intelligence: Fatuma Apio has a high level of emotional intelligence, which allows her to understand and empathize with her employees. She is attentive to their emotions, effectively manages conflicts, and builds strong relationships based on trust and respect.

(ii) Elements that make up a transformational leader, known as the 4 Is, are:

➧ Idealized influence: Transformational leaders like Fatuma Apio serve as role models and gain the admiration and trust of their followers. They exemplify high moral and ethical standards, and their behavior aligns with the values and aspirations of the organization.

➧ Inspirational motivation: Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their followers through a compelling vision and clear goals. They communicate their vision effectively, creating enthusiasm and commitment among employees.

➧ Intellectual stimulation: Transformational leaders encourage creativity, innovation, and critical thinking among their followers. They challenge the status quo, promote problem-solving, and foster a culture of intellectual growth and exploration.

➧ Individualized consideration: Transformational leaders provide individualized support and attention to their followers. They recognize and appreciate the unique needs, strengths, and aspirations of each employee and tailor their leadership approach accordingly. They offer guidance, coaching, and mentoring to help individuals reach their full potential and address their specific developmental needs.


Q (c) Enumerate SIX principles that BAM might have taken into consideration while developing a staffing policy.


Principles that BAM might have taken into consideration while developing a staffing policy are:

➧ Competency-based hiring: BAM would focus on hiring employees based on their skills, knowledge, and abilities relevant to the job requirements. The staffing policy would emphasize assessing candidates' competencies and aligning them with the organization's needs.

➧ Diversity and inclusion: BAM would value diversity and aim to build an inclusive workforce. The staffing policy would promote equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, or background.

➧ Succession planning: BAM would have a strategic approach to identifying and developing potential future leaders within the organization. The staffing policy would include provisions for talent management, grooming internal candidates for key positions, and ensuring a smooth transition in leadership roles.

➧ Performance management: BAM would establish clear performance expectations and provide ongoing feedback and evaluation to employees. The staffing policy would include mechanisms for performance measurement, recognition, and addressing performance issues.

➧ Employee development and training: BAM would invest in the professional development of its employees. The staffing policy would include provisions for training programs, learning opportunities, and career advancement support to enhance employees' skills and capabilities.

➧ Work-life balance and employee well-being: BAM would prioritize the well-being and work-life balance of its employees. The staffing policy would incorporate flexible work arrangements, leave policies, and support programs to promote a healthy work environment.


Q Fatuma Apio encouraged BAM employees to always create time for their families to avoid conflicts. Conflicts in organisations also occur between line and staff management.

With reference to the above statements, assess possible sources of conflict between line and staff management of BAM.


Possible sources of conflict between line and staff management at BAM could include:

➧ Authority and decision-making: Conflicts may arise if there is a disagreement between line managers, who have direct authority over operational decisions, and staff managers, who provide specialized expertise and advice. Differences in decision-making power and conflicts over control can lead to tension.

➧ Resource allocation: Line managers may feel that staff managers are demanding excessive resources for their specialized functions, potentially impacting the operational budget and priorities. Conflicts can arise over resource allocation decisions and the perceived value of staff functions.

➧ Communication and coordination: Line managers may feel that staff managers are not effectively communicating or coordinating their activities with the operational teams. Lack of clarity or misalignment in goals and expectations can lead to conflicts and inefficiencies.

➧ Role ambiguity and overlapping responsibilities: Conflicts may arise when there is ambiguity or overlap in the roles and responsibilities of line and staff managers. Unclear boundaries and conflicting expectations can lead to turf wars and disputes over authority and accountability.

➧ Performance evaluation and feedback: Conflicts may occur when line managers and staff managers have different perspectives on the performance evaluation of employees. Differences in assessment criteria and feedback can create tensions and hinder effective performance management.


Q Identify reasons why a business organisation should write a business plan.


➧ Clear vision and direction: A business plan helps to articulate the organization's vision, mission, and objectives. It provides a roadmap for where the organization wants to go and how it plans to get there. A well-written business plan ensures that everyone in the organization is aligned and working towards common goals.

➧ Strategic planning: A business plan enables the organization to develop a strategic approach to achieving its objectives. It helps to identify target markets, analyze competitors, and outline strategies for marketing, operations, and growth. This strategic planning process allows the organization to make informed decisions and prioritize resources effectively.

➧ Attracting investors and financing: A comprehensive business plan is essential when seeking external funding or attracting investors. Investors and lenders typically require a business plan to evaluate the viability and potential of the organization. A well-crafted business plan provides a clear picture of the organization's financial projections, market analysis, and growth strategies, increasing the chances of securing funding.

➧ Managing resources: A business plan helps to allocate and manage resources effectively. It provides insights into the organization's financial needs, cash flow projections, and resource requirements. With a clear understanding of resource allocation, the organization can optimize its operations, minimize risks, and ensure financial stability.

➧ Monitoring and measuring progress: A business plan serves as a benchmark for measuring the organization's progress and performance. It outlines key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones that can be tracked over time. Regularly reviewing and updating the business plan allows the organization to identify areas of improvement, make necessary adjustments, and stay on track towards achieving its goals.

➧ Communication and alignment: A business plan facilitates effective communication within the organization. It provides a common reference point for all stakeholders, including employees, management, and partners. By sharing the business plan, the organization ensures that everyone understands the strategic direction, goals, and expectations, fostering alignment and a shared sense of purpose.

➧ Risk management: A business plan helps to identify potential risks and challenges that the organization may face. By conducting a thorough analysis of the market, competition, and internal capabilities, the organization can proactively develop strategies to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities.


Q Organisational success is dependent on the interaction and interdependence of internal and external system components.

With reference to the above statement, describe components of organisational system.


➦ Organizational systems are complex structures that consist of various interconnected components. The components of an organizational system can be categorized into internal and external components, which interact and depend on each other for the success of the organization.

Internal Components:

  • Structure: The organizational structure defines the formal hierarchy, roles, and relationships within the organization. It includes departments, divisions, teams, and reporting lines. The structure determines how information flows, decisions are made, and work is organized.
  • Culture: Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, norms, and practices that shape the behavior and attitudes of individuals within the organization. It influences the organization's identity, ethics, and the way work is done.
  • Processes and Procedures: These are the standardized methods and workflows that define how tasks and activities are carried out within the organization. Processes ensure efficiency, consistency, and quality in the organization's operations.
  • Resources: This component includes the tangible and intangible assets that the organization possesses, such as human resources (employees, skills, knowledge), financial resources, physical infrastructure, technology, and intellectual property.
  • Communication: Effective communication channels and systems are crucial for the smooth functioning of the organization. Clear and timely communication facilitates coordination, collaboration, and the sharing of information and knowledge among employees.

External Components:

  • Customers and Clients: The organization's success is dependent on its ability to identify, attract, and satisfy customers' needs and expectations. Understanding customer preferences, market trends, and maintaining good relationships with clients are critical for organizational success.
  • Suppliers and Partners: Organizations rely on external suppliers and partners for resources, materials, expertise, and support. Building strong relationships and effective collaboration with suppliers and partners is essential for ensuring the availability and quality of inputs and services.
  • Competitors: Competitors play a significant role in shaping an organization's strategy and performance. Monitoring and analyzing the actions and strategies of competitors help organizations identify their competitive advantage, differentiate themselves, and adapt to changing market conditions.
  • Regulatory Environment: Organizations operate within a regulatory framework defined by laws, regulations, and industry standards. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for avoiding legal issues, maintaining ethical practices, and ensuring the organization's reputation and sustainability.
  • Economic and Socio-Cultural Factors: External factors such as the overall economic conditions, social trends, demographics, and cultural influences impact the organization's operations, market demand, and customer behavior. Understanding and adapting to these external factors are vital for organizational success.


Q Explain causes of project failure.


➧ Poor Planning: Inadequate or incomplete project planning is a major cause of project failure. Insufficiently defined goals, unclear objectives, inadequate resource allocation, unrealistic timelines, and failure to identify and mitigate risks can lead to project failure right from the start.

➧ Lack of Stakeholder Engagement: Projects involve various stakeholders who have a vested interest in the project's outcome. If stakeholders are not properly engaged and their needs, expectations, and concerns are not adequately addressed, it can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and ultimately project failure.

➧ Inadequate Communication: Effective communication is crucial for project success. Poor communication or miscommunication between team members, stakeholders, and project managers can result in misunderstandings, delays, errors, and a lack of alignment. It is essential to establish clear and transparent channels of communication to ensure smooth project execution.

➧ Scope Creep: Scope creep refers to the uncontrolled expansion of project scope beyond its initial boundaries. It often occurs due to inadequate requirements gathering, poor change management, or constant additions and modifications requested by stakeholders. Scope creep can lead to budget overruns, missed deadlines, and project failure.

➧ Insufficient Resources: Inadequate allocation of resources, such as budget, time, personnel, and technology, can severely impact project success. Insufficient resources can lead to delays, poor quality deliverables, and an inability to meet project objectives. Proper resource planning and management are crucial to avoid resource-related project failures.

➧ Lack of Risk Management: Ignoring or underestimating project risks is a common cause of failure. Failure to identify, assess, and mitigate risks can result in unexpected issues, budget overruns, schedule delays, and compromised project quality. A robust risk management plan is necessary to anticipate and address potential risks throughout the project lifecycle.

➧ Ineffective Leadership: Poor project leadership can significantly impact project success. Inadequate project management skills, weak decision-making, lack of direction, and ineffective team management can lead to confusion, demotivated teams, and project failure. Strong leadership is necessary to inspire and guide project teams towards successful project completion.

➧ Lack of Stakeholder Support: Projects require support and buy-in from key stakeholders. If there is a lack of support or resistance from stakeholders, it can hinder project progress, create roadblocks, and lead to failure. Building relationships, managing expectations, and securing stakeholder support are critical for project success.

➧ Inadequate Quality Control: Neglecting quality control measures can result in substandard deliverables, customer dissatisfaction, and project failure. Lack of proper testing, quality assurance processes, and failure to meet defined quality standards can undermine project success and erode stakeholder confidence.

➧ External Factors: External factors beyond the project team's control, such as changes in market conditions, regulatory requirements, economic shifts, or natural disasters, can disrupt project execution and lead to failure. Anticipating and adapting to external factors is crucial to minimize their impact on project outcomes.


Q As a function of management, evaluate principles of organising.


➦ As a function of management, organizing refers to the process of arranging and structuring resources, tasks, and activities within an organization to achieve its goals efficiently and effectively. There are several principles of organizing that are commonly recognized and applied in management.

➧ Division of Work: This principle emphasizes dividing the work into smaller, specialized tasks to improve efficiency and productivity. By assigning specific tasks to individuals or groups based on their skills and expertise, organizations can benefit from the division of labor and specialization.

➧ Unity of Command: According to this principle, each employee should have only one direct supervisor or manager. This ensures clear lines of authority, reduces confusion, and promotes accountability. Employees know who they report to and who is responsible for their performance.

➧ Scalar Chain: The scalar chain principle emphasizes the hierarchical structure within an organization. It states that there should be a clear and unbroken line of authority from the top management to the lowest levels of the organization. This ensures effective communication, coordination, and decision-making.

➧ Span of Control: The span of control principle relates to the number of subordinates a manager can effectively supervise. It suggests that there should be an optimal balance between a manager's span of control and their ability to provide guidance, support, and feedback to their subordinates. A narrow span of control allows for closer supervision, while a wider span of control promotes efficiency by reducing layers of management.

➧ Authority and Responsibility: This principle states that authority should be accompanied by an equivalent level of responsibility. Managers should have the necessary authority to carry out their assigned tasks and make decisions, but they are also accountable for the outcomes and results of their actions.

➧ Coordination: Effective coordination is crucial for organizing activities within an organization. It involves harmonizing and aligning the efforts of individuals and departments to ensure that they work together towards common goals. Coordination helps avoid duplication of efforts, resolves conflicts, and maximizes overall organizational effectiveness.

➧ Flexibility: Organizational structures should be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances and requirements. This principle acknowledges the dynamic nature of business environments and the need for organizations to adjust their structures and processes accordingly. Flexibility enables organizations to respond quickly to market changes, technological advancements, and other external factors.

➧ Departmentalization: Departmentalization involves grouping activities and resources into logical units or departments based on common functions, products, customers, or geographical regions. This principle enables specialization, facilitates coordination within each department, and enhances overall organizational efficiency.


Q Jack Jim, a champion and a well renowned organisational change agent joined PQX company Limited as the Chief Executive Officer when Covid 19 struck the world in 2020.

In his first week after appointment, he called a meeting for all the top level managers in the company to brain storm on changes expected in PQX Company Limited in order for the company to remain afloat.

(i) Explain the term “change agent’’.
(ii) Analyse issues that the meeting might have addressed.


(i) Change Agent:

➦ A change agent is an individual or a group of individuals who facilitate and drive organizational change. They are responsible for leading and guiding the change process, working with employees and stakeholders to implement new strategies, systems, structures, or cultural shifts within an organization. Change agents are often experts in change management and possess the skills and knowledge required to navigate and overcome resistance to change. They act as catalysts for change and support the organization in adapting to new circumstances, improving performance, and achieving its goals.

(ii) Issues that the meeting might have addressed:

➧ Business Continuity: The meeting may have addressed strategies and measures to ensure the company's survival and continuity amidst the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. This could include discussing contingency plans, remote work policies, supply chain adjustments, or exploring new revenue streams.

➧ Health and Safety Protocols: Given the pandemic, the meeting might have focused on implementing health and safety protocols to protect the well-being of employees and customers. This could involve discussing measures such as social distancing guidelines, sanitation procedures, and the provision of personal protective equipment.

➧ Remote Work and Digital Transformation: With the pandemic necessitating remote work arrangements, the meeting might have explored ways to enable and optimize remote work capabilities. This could involve discussions on adopting digital collaboration tools, enhancing cybersecurity measures, and redefining workflows and processes to accommodate remote work.

➧ Financial Management: The meeting may have addressed financial concerns, including cost-cutting measures, budget reallocation, or seeking financial assistance through government programs or loans. It could also involve discussions on managing cash flow, forecasting financial risks, and identifying areas for potential savings.

➧ Employee Engagement and Communication: The meeting might have focused on maintaining employee morale, engagement, and effective communication during a time of uncertainty. This could include discussing strategies for virtual team-building activities, regular updates on company developments, and providing support to employees through open communication channels.

➧ Customer Relations and Service Adaptations: Given the impact of the pandemic on customer behavior, the meeting might have addressed ways to adapt products, services, and customer engagement strategies. This could involve discussing changes in marketing approaches, exploring new channels for customer interaction, or enhancing online sales and delivery capabilities.

➧ Supply Chain Management: The meeting might have examined the company's supply chain and discussed potential disruptions or adjustments required. This could include diversifying suppliers, reevaluating inventory management, or exploring alternative sourcing strategies to mitigate risks.

➧ Organizational Culture and Change Management: As a change agent, Jack Jim may have initiated discussions on fostering a culture of resilience, adaptability, and innovation within the organization. This could involve addressing change management strategies, creating buy-in among employees, and promoting a positive mindset towards change and continuous improvement.


Q Evaluate strategies leaders might apply in organisations to increase their leadership influence.


➧ Lead by example: Leaders should set a positive example through their actions and behaviors. When leaders demonstrate integrity, commitment, and professionalism, it inspires others to follow suit. By consistently displaying the qualities and values they expect from their team, leaders can establish trust and credibility, which increases their influence.

➧ Effective communication: Leaders should focus on improving their communication skills to effectively convey their vision, goals, and expectations to their team members. Clear, concise, and transparent communication helps eliminate ambiguity and ensures that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Leaders who can articulate their ideas well and actively listen to their employees' concerns can build strong relationships and increase their influence.

➧ Building relationships and networks: Leaders should invest time and effort in building strong relationships with their team members, peers, and stakeholders. Developing genuine connections based on trust, respect, and empathy creates a sense of camaraderie and loyalty. Leaders can leverage these relationships to gain support, collaborate effectively, and influence decision-making processes within the organization.

➧ Empowering and delegating: Effective leaders empower their team members by delegating tasks and providing them with the necessary authority and resources to succeed. This approach demonstrates trust in their abilities and fosters a sense of ownership and accountability. When individuals feel valued and empowered, they are more likely to contribute actively, which enhances the leader's influence and overall team performance.

➧ Continuous learning and development: Leaders should commit to ongoing personal and professional growth. By staying informed about industry trends, acquiring new skills, and seeking feedback, leaders can enhance their expertise and credibility. Continuous learning demonstrates a commitment to improvement and inspires others to follow suit. It also allows leaders to provide valuable guidance and mentorship, further increasing their influence.

➧ Emotional intelligence and empathy: Leaders who possess high emotional intelligence can understand and manage their own emotions effectively, as well as empathize with the emotions of others. By demonstrating empathy, leaders can connect with their team members on a deeper level, understand their needs and concerns, and provide support when necessary. This creates a positive work environment and enhances the leader's influence and ability to motivate and inspire others.

➧ Recognizing and rewarding achievements: Leaders should actively acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and achievements of their team members. Recognizing individual and team accomplishments not only boosts morale but also reinforces positive behaviors and motivates employees to perform at their best. When leaders are genuine in their recognition and rewards, it helps foster a culture of appreciation and increases their influence by creating a positive and supportive work environment.


Q Describe the ADKAR change management model.


➦ The ADKAR change management model is a goal-oriented framework that helps organizations and individuals navigate the process of change effectively. Developed by Prosci, a leading provider of change management solutions, ADKAR stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. Each element represents a critical milestone in the change process, and the model emphasizes the importance of addressing them in a sequential and structured manner.

➧ Awareness: The first step is to create awareness about the need for change among the individuals and teams affected by it. This involves communicating the reasons behind the change, the benefits it will bring, and the potential risks of not changing. Awareness helps individuals understand the context and rationale for the change, which is crucial for them to embrace it.

➧ Desire: Once awareness is established, it's important to foster a desire for the change. This involves generating a sense of urgency and enthusiasm among the individuals to support and participate in the change. Leaders should communicate the positive outcomes of the change, address concerns and resistance, and highlight the personal benefits that individuals will experience as a result of the change.

➧ Knowledge: The next step is to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills required to implement the change successfully. This includes training, education, and communication of the specific information and instructions needed to adapt to the new processes, systems, or behaviors. Knowledge empowers individuals to understand how the change will affect their roles and equips them with the necessary tools to navigate the transition effectively.

➧ Ability: Building on the knowledge gained, individuals need to develop the ability to implement the change in their day-to-day work. This involves providing the necessary resources, support, and ongoing coaching to ensure that individuals have the capability and confidence to apply their knowledge effectively. Ability focuses on overcoming any barriers or challenges that may arise during the change process and building the skills and competencies required for success.

➧ Reinforcement: The final step in the ADKAR model is reinforcement, which aims to sustain the change over the long term. It involves establishing mechanisms to reinforce new behaviors, systems, or processes and celebrating successes along the way. Reinforcement helps embed the change into the organization's culture and ensures that individuals continue to embrace and maintain the desired changes even after the initial implementation.


➦ The ADKAR model recognizes that successful change is not just about implementing new processes or systems, but also about addressing the human side of change. It emphasizes the importance of effectively managing individual transitions, overcoming resistance, and supporting employees throughout the change journey. By following the ADKAR model, organizations can increase the likelihood of successful change initiatives and minimize disruptions.


Q Explain challenges associated with group decision making.


➧ Groupthink: Groupthink occurs when a group prioritizes consensus and harmony over critical thinking and independent opinions. It can lead to a lack of diverse perspectives, stifling of dissenting viewpoints, and a tendency to make decisions without fully exploring alternatives or considering potential risks. Groupthink can limit the effectiveness of decision making and result in poor outcomes.

➧ Time-consuming process: Group decision making often involves collaboration, discussion, and consensus-building, which can be time-consuming. The need to involve multiple individuals, gather input, and reach a collective agreement can slow down the decision-making process, particularly in larger groups. This can be a challenge when timely decisions are required, leading to potential delays or missed opportunities.

➧ Conflict and disagreement: When individuals with different opinions, backgrounds, and interests come together, conflicts and disagreements are likely to arise. Differing viewpoints can lead to heated discussions, power struggles, and interpersonal conflicts that can hinder the decision-making process. Managing and resolving conflicts effectively is crucial to maintaining a productive and collaborative decision-making environment.

➧ Influence of dominant personalities: In group settings, dominant personalities or individuals with higher authority can exert significant influence over the decision-making process. Their opinions may overshadow or suppress the input of others, leading to biased decisions or a lack of diverse perspectives. This can undermine the effectiveness and fairness of group decision making.

➧ Social dynamics and conformity pressures: Social dynamics within a group can influence decision making. Individuals may conform to the opinions of others or feel pressured to align with the majority view, even if they have reservations. This conformity bias can result in suboptimal decisions as critical analysis and independent thinking may be compromised.

➧ Group size and coordination: The size of a group can impact decision making. Large groups can become unwieldy, making it challenging to ensure everyone's input is considered and to reach a consensus. Additionally, coordinating schedules and managing communication within a larger group can be more complex and time-consuming.

➧ Overemphasis on compromise: In group decision making, there is often a tendency to seek compromises to accommodate diverse opinions. While compromise can be valuable, it may not always lead to the best outcomes. In some cases, it can result in watered-down decisions that do not fully address the underlying issues or capitalize on innovative solutions.


Q Summarise benefits that may accrue to an organisation from registering a trademark of their invention.


➧ Exclusive rights and protection: Registering a trademark provides the organization with exclusive rights to use, promote, and protect the trademarked invention. It prevents others from using a similar mark that could create confusion among consumers. Trademark registration offers legal protection and serves as a deterrent against infringement, allowing the organization to take legal action against unauthorized use.

➧ Brand recognition and differentiation: A registered trademark helps build brand recognition and establishes a unique identity for the organization's products or services. It allows customers to easily identify and differentiate the organization's offerings from competitors in the marketplace. A strong trademark can contribute to brand loyalty and consumer trust, leading to increased sales and market share.

➧ Competitive advantage and market positioning: Having a registered trademark can give the organization a competitive edge. It demonstrates that the organization is committed to protecting its intellectual property and signifies professionalism and credibility. A strong trademark can enhance the organization's reputation and influence customer perceptions, helping to position it as a leader in its industry.

➧ Asset value and business growth: A registered trademark can be a valuable intangible asset for the organization. It adds value to the organization's intellectual property portfolio and can be licensed, franchised, or sold to generate additional revenue streams. Trademarks can also attract investors or partners who recognize the value of a strong brand and its potential for business growth.

➧ Global protection and expansion: Trademark registration provides protection not only in the organization's home country but also in international markets. It enables the organization to expand its business globally and safeguards against unauthorized use or imitation in different jurisdictions. Registering a trademark can facilitate international trade and prevent counterfeiting or infringement by foreign entities.

➧ Legal remedies and enforcement: With a registered trademark, the organization gains access to legal remedies and enforcement mechanisms in case of infringement or brand misuse. This includes the ability to pursue legal actions, seek damages, or initiate cease and desist letters to protect the organization's rights. Having a registered trademark strengthens the organization's position in any legal disputes related to intellectual property.

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