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Advanvced Financial Reporting May 2018
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Advanvced Financial Reporting & Analysis
Revision Kit


Q Describe four social indicators that might be reported under the social dimension.


social indicators that might be reported under the social dimension.

The social dimension includes information on health and safety and recognition of rights e.g. human rights for both employees and outsourced employees. Social dimension may require social indicators such as:

➢ Health and safety: Reportable cases of missed days, absence rate, and investment per worker in injury prevention.

➢ Quality of management: Retention rates of employee , ratio of jobs offered to jobs accepted, employer ranking in surveys.

➢ Freedom of association: procedure in place for atrocity, number and types of legal action concerning anti-union practices.

➢ Training and education: ratio of training budget in relation to annual operating costs; programs to encourage worker participation and decision-making;

➢ Wages and benefits: The ratio of lowest wage to cost of living, health and pension benefits given.


Q With regard to IPSAS 22 “Disclosures of Financial Information about the General Government Sector”, highlight the characteristics of a government business enterprise (GBE)


Characteristics of a government business enterprise (GBE)

(i) An entity with the power to contract in its own name

(ii) It is controlled by the government

(ii) It has a separate legal existence from the government.

(iv) Sells goods and services in the normal course of business at a profit or full cost recovery

(v) It is not reliant on continuing government funding to be a going concern

(vi) It is given financial and operational authority to run a firm.


Q Discuss two challenges that might be encountered in the practical application of the above framework. (4 marks)


Challenges encountered in the practical application of IASB framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements

(i) If complete implementation is to be adopted, the preperation of financial statements may become significantly more difficult.

(ii) Because financial statements are meant for a various users, a single conceptual framework cannot meet their demands.

(iii) Because various users have different needs, separate standards must be developed to fulfill those needs.


Q ➢ Disclosures that an entity that has not elected to comply with an accounting standard must make in-order to explain the circumstances of the non-compliance.


Disclosure an entity should make when choosing to depart from the requirements of an International Financial Reporting Standard

(i) That the management has determined the financial statements presents fairly the entity's financial position, financial performance, and cash flows.

(ii) That it has conformed with applicable standards and interpretations, with the exception of departing from a specific obligation to produce a fair presentation;

(iii) The title of the standard or interpretation from which the entity has departed including the nature of the departure, and the treatment that the IFRS would require, the reason why that treatment would be misleading, and the treatment adopted

(iv) The financial impact of the depature on each item in the financial statements that would have been disclosed if the criteria had been met for each period presented.


Q (i) Contingently issuable ordinary shares

(ii) Dilution


(i) Contingently issuable ordinary shares

➢ Shares that are issued for little or no consideration if certain requirements under a contingent share arrangement are met.

(ii) Dilution

➢ EPS reduction or increase in loss per share assuming convertible instruments are converted and options or warrants are exercised


Q (i) Consolidated statement of financial position of G ltd and A ltd after imparement review

(ii) Capital reduction account.

(iii) Statement of financial position affecting the scheme of capital reduction



Capital reduced = 600 x 6 = 3,600
Share consolidation = 600 x 4 / 10 = 240
Cash on right issue = 240 x 3 = 720 x 11 = 7,920

Dr Cash 7,920
Cr Ordinary Share(720 x 10) 7,200
Cr Share premium(720 x 1) 720

Journal entries
Capital reduction account 4,120
Goodwill 1,300
Development expenditure 750
Accumulated losses 2,070
Capital reduction account 3,440
Plant and machinery account 3,040
Inventory account 400
Land and building 160
Capital reduction account 160
OSC account 3,600
Capital reduction account 3,600
Share premium 2,720
Capital reduction account 2,720
Cash 7,920
OSC 7,200
Share premium 720
Creditors account 1,000
OSC account 1,000

(ii) Capital reduction account.

Capital reduction account.
Accumulated loss 2,070
Goodwill 1,300
Development expenditure 750
Plant and machinery 3,040
Inventory 400
Ordinary shares 3,600
Share premium(2,000 + 720) 2,720
Land and building gain 160
Capital reserve(bal fig) 1,080

(iii) Statement of financial position affecting the scheme of capital reduction

Fanaka Ltd
Statement of financial position as at 1 Jan 2018
Asset Sh."000"
Non-current assets
Land and building 3,320
Plant and machinery 1,000
Current assets
Inventory 1,500
receivables 1,700
Cash(7,920 - 1,100) 6,820
Equity and liabilitie
OSC 10,600
Capital reserve (1,080)
Non-current assets
10% debenture 4,000
Current liabilities
Trade payables(1,820 - 1,000) 820


Q ➢ Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Ibr the year ended 30 April 20 1 8



Purchase consideration of Mvua Ltd

Shares = 80% x 5,000 = 4,000

3 / 4 x 4,000 = 2,400 x 5 = 12,000

Ordinary share = 2,400 x 1 = 2,400
Share premium = 2,400 x 4 = 9,600

Loan stock
500 shares => sh.100
4,000 shares => (4,000 x 100) / 500 = 800

Total Purchase consideration => 12,000 + 800 = 12,800
Control in Upepo => 2,400 / 6,000 = 40%
2,400 x 1.5 = 3,600


Depreciation of Revaluation loss of 1,200

Depreciation overcharge => 1,200 / 8 x 4 / 12 = 50


Inter group sales

URP = 25 / 125 x 2,000 = 400


Intergroup balances = 80 + 20(cash in transit) = 100


Goodwill on acquisition of Mvua Ltd

Purchase consideration 12,800
Less:Net assets acquired
OSC 5,000
Retained earnings 9,500 - (6,800 x 4 / 12) 7,233
12,233 x 80% (9,787)
Goodwill 3,013
Impairment loss 10% (301.3)

Rodi Ltd
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Ibr the year ended 30 April 2018
Revenue[92,500 + (48,000 x 4 / 12) - 4,000] 104,500
Cost of sales[70,500 + (36,000 x 4 / 12) + 400 - 50 - 4,000] (78,850)
Gross profit 25,650
Distribution expenses[2,500 + (1,200 x 4 / 12)] (2,900)
Administration expenses[5,500 + (2,400 x 4 / 12)] (6,300)
Finance cost (100)
Imparement loss (301)
Profit before tax 16,049
Tax expense[3,900 + (1,600 x 4 / 12)] (4,433)
Add:Associate share of PAT(40% x 6,800 x 6 / 12) 1,360
Revaluation gain 500
Total comprehensive income 13,476
Attributable to NCI 20%[(6,800 x 4 / 12) + 5 - 400] (374)
Attributable to parent 13,102


Q Consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 April 2018,


Rodi Ltd
Consolidated statement of financial position for as at 30 April 2018
Assets Sh."000"
Non-current assets
PPE (18,300 + 18,900 + 500 - 1,200 + 50) 36,550
Investment(12,600 + 1,200 + 300 - 3,600 - 800) 9,700
Goodwill 2,712
Investment in associate 3,600 + (6,800 x 6/12 x 40%) 4,960
Current assets
Inventory(5,200 + 1,000 - 400) 5,800
Trade and other receivables (4,580 + 800 - 100) 5,280
Financial asset at FV(1,200 + 350) 1,550
Cash and bank(1,520 + 250 + 20) 1,790
Equity and liabilities
Ordinary share capital(15,000 + 2,400) 17,400
Share premium 9,600
NCI (5,000 x 20% x 3.5) 3,500
Retained earnings 16,122
Other equity reserves(500 + 300) 800
Non-current liabilities
6% loan note 3,000
Deferred tax(1,600 + 1,200) 2,800
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables(5,600 + 5,600 - 80) 11,120
Current tax(2,800 + 1,200 4,000


Q Charge to the income statement for each of the two years ending 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2019.

Extracts from the statement of' financial position as at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2019.


E Ltd
Amortization schedule
Finance Cash flows Balance c/d
Year Balance b/d Cost(20%) (12%) Sh.million
2018 200 40 (24) 216
2019 216 43.2 (24) 235.2
2020 235.2 47.04 (24) 258.24

2018 2019
Finance charge 40 43.2

(ii) Extracts from the statement of' financial position as at 3 1 December 2018 and 31 December 2019.

2018 2019
Non-current liabilities
Bond 216 235.2


Q (i) Statement of changes in the fair value of plan assets in accordance with IAS 19 (Employee Benefits) for the year ended 30 November 2017

(ii) Statement of changes in the present value of plan obligations in accordance with IAS 19 for the year ended 30 November 2017.

(iii) Statement of changes in net assets available for benefits for the plan itself as required by IAS 26 (Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans).


Bal b/d 30,540
Add:Return on plan asset(5% x 30,540) 1,527
Contribution by employees 1,260
Contribution by employers 360
Less:Benefits paid (1,080
Acturial gain(bal fig) 1,241
Bal c/d 33,848

(ii) Statement of changes in the present value of plan obligations in accordance with IAS 19 for the year ended 30 November 2017.

Bal b/d 33,600
Current service cost 420
Post service cost 270
Interest cost(5% x 33,600) 1,680
Less:Benefits paid (1,080)
Acturial loss(bal fig) 351
Bal c/d 35,241

(iii) Statement of changes in net assets available for benefits for the plan itself as required by IAS 26 (Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans).

Ufanisi Ltd
Statement of changes in net assets for the year ended 30/11/2017
Incomes Sh."000"
Contribution - employees 1,260
Employer 360
Dividend income 414
Interest income 240
Rental income 166.5
Profit on disposal of plan investment 300
Benefits paid 1,080
Foreign exchange losses 600
Foreign tax on income 90
Administrative income 210
General expenses 60 (2,040)
Profit 700.5
Add:Other comprehensive income
Acturial changes(1,241 - 351) 890
Total comprehensive income 1,590.5


Q Statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 2018



Sales on behalf of P Ltd
Commission = 10% x 2,400 = 240
Net proceed to remit = 2,400 - 240 = 2,160


Purchase from foreign supplier

Exchange loss
As at Jan 2018 = 2,200 x 10 22,000
As at March 2018 = 2,200 x 11 24,200
Exchange loss 2,200/11 = 200


Financial instrument | convertible bond

Value of liability component
Present value interest + PV of principal
Interest = 6% x 3,000 = 180
180 x PVIFA(3,9%) + 3,000 x PVIF(3,9%)
(180 x 2.5313) + (3,000 x 0.7722) = 2,772

Total value of the bond 3,000
Less:liability component (2,772)
Equity component 228

Dr Cash/Bank 3,000
Cr liability 2,772
Cr Equity 228

Year Bal b/d Finance cost(9%) Cash flows(6%) Balance c/d
2017 2,772 249.5 (180) 2,841.5


Depreciation of assets

Building 3,600/40 = 90(admin exp)
Plant and machinery (2,400 - 150)/15 = 150(cost of sale)



Cost of sales Admin Distribution Finance
Balance per trial balance 5,670 2,830 1,890 1,560
Depreciation 150 90 - -
Finance cost on bond - - - 249.5
Exchange loss 200 - - -
provision for damages - - (1,200) -
Staff training(intangible) - 156 - -
6,020 3,076 690 1,809.5


Tax expence

Current tax 980
Deferred tax 270 - (30% x 840) (18)



13,420 + 3,600 + 2,400 - 2,910 - 90 - 150 = 16,270

G Ltd
Statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 2018
Revenue (18,960 - 2,400) 16,560
Cost of sale (6,020)
Gross profit 10,540
Other incomes
Investment income 120
Commission income 240
Administration expenses (3,076)
Selling and distribution expenses (690)
Finance cost (1,809.5)
Profit before tax 5,324.4
Tax expense (962)
Profit after tax 4,362.5


Q Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 3 1 March 2018.


Ordinary Share Retained
share capital premium earnings Revaluation
Balance b/d 5,800 1,400 5,410 1,500
Profit after tax - - 4,362.5 -
5,800 1,400 9,772.5 1,500


Q Statement of financial position as at 31 March 2018


Assets Sh."000"
Non-current assets
PPE 16,270
Intangible assets(1,750 - 156) 1,594
Current assets
Inventory 4,730
Trade and other receivables 1,270
Cash in hand 380
Financial assets at fair value 1,250
Equity and liabilities
OSC 5,800
Share premium 1,400
Retained earnings 9,772.5
Revaluation 1,500
Equity reserve(bond) 228
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax(30% x 840) 252
6% bond 2,841.5
Current liabilities
Current tax(980 - 740) 240
Trade and other payables(920 + 200) 1,120
Proceeds payable to P Ltd 2,160
Interest payable(cash flows) 180

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